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Jim Schmitz Olympic Style Weight Lifting Program For Beginners

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By Jim Schmitz

  1. Jim Schmitz Olympic Style Weight Lifting Program For Beginners Women
  2. Jim Schmitz Weightlifting Program
  3. Jim Schmitz Olympic Style Weight Lifting Program For Beginners Program
  1. Olympic-style weightlifting for the beginner & intermediate lifter Schmitz, Jim on shipping on qualifying offers. Olympic-style weightlifting for the beginner & intermediate lifter.
  2. Dec 02, 2018.
  3. Olympic Weightlifting Team Coach 1980, 1988 & 1992 Author of Olympic-style Weightlifting for Beginner & Intermediate Weightlifters Manual and DVD. Workout Tips Olympic Weightlifting - Master the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk With Our Step-by-Step Guide Nothing can match Olympic lifting for overall power.
  4. In Olympic Style Weightlifting for Strength, Health, Physique, Fitness and Sport, weightlifting coach Jim Schmitz discusses the benefits of Olympic style weightlifting. There's been a resurgence of enthusiasm for Olympic lifting in recent years, primarily due to Crossfit, and no one is more pleased to see this than Jim.

A Beginner's Program for the Olympic Lifts. A Solid Neophyte Program. Start with a little Warm Up Snatch: 8 Sets of Doubles Clean and Jerk:8 Sets of Singles Front Squat: 5 Sets of 5 Press: 5 Sets of 3. Go Home and Recover. I can remember being told that the Olympic Lifts were dead just a.

U.S. Olympic Weightlifting Team Coach 1980, 1988 & 1992
Author of Olympic-style Weightlifting for Beginner & Intermediate Weightlifters Manual and DVD

For more information on Olympic-style weightlifting, weight training, lifter profiles, and competition reports, visit our Weightlifting Resource Pages.
Jim Schmitz's gold-medal articles on weightlifting and weight training are regularly featured in MILO: A Journal for Serious Strength Athletes.
Take advantage of what Jim Schmitz, absolutely one of the best American coaches in the sport, can teach you in his
Olympic-style Weightlifting for the Beginner & Intermediate Weightlifters Manual and DVD. › 〓〓 Jim Schmitz Olympic Style Weightlifting Program Templates
Jim Schmitz Olympic Style Weightlifting Program Templates

The following is a 4-week training program that can be used to get started with the training program posted on this website. This is a good cycle to start with if you have not previously been doing the Olympic lifts frequently in your training. Additional technique work can be added at the start of each session that focuses on the primary lift of the day. For example, on wednesday before snatches, you may do 4-6 sets of light tall snatches to practice your pull under. This additional work should be light and quick - it should not add significant time or stress to the program.

Five excellent programs for beginners getting started with Olympic Lifting. Programs included by: Glenn Pendlay, Dan John, Greg Everett, Mike Berge. Your School's Physical Fitness Program Begins With. 8 Week Olympic Weightlifting & Squat Program. Here is is list of about every hypertrophy / powerlifting / olympic.

Check out by Greg Everett for a huge amount of program design information and more sample programs. Ab work should be done every training day, along with any supplemental work, e.g.

  1. Jim Schmitz Olympic Style Weightlifting Program For Swimmers. Olympic Lifting Made Simple. A Program of Multi-Year Training in Weightlifting. ELEIKO OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING AND PROGRAM DESIGN FOR STRENGTH COACHES Eleiko Sport is the premium choice for coaches and personal trainers when choosing strength. Jim Schmitz Olympic Weightlifting.
  2. A simple 3-day per week program template for Olympic weightlifting and the snatch and clean and jerk from Greg Everett of Catalyst Athletics. Weight training and Olympic weightlifting tips for strength athletes from expert and Olympic team coach Jim Schmitz, author of Olympic Style Weightlifting for the Beginning and.

Back extensions, upper body beach work, etc. That you want to do.

If you plan to do the conditioning portion of the older training cycles, add brief conditioning workouts 2 times per week after the workouts below. Keep them to about 5 minutes or less and generally stay away from leg-intensive exercises. Notation:. 5 x 3 means 5 sets of 3 reps. 5 x 2+1 means 5 sets of 2 reps of the first lift and 1 rep of the second lift. For example, clean & jerk - 5 x 2+1 means 5 sets of 2 cleans followed by 1 jerk per set.

Heavy Single means you will work up in weight for single reps to the heaviest weight you're capable of that day. Generally 3 misses at a given weight is the maximum number of attempts you should make. Weights Weights for each exercise will need to be determined by you by feel. Perform the prescribed reps with increasing weights until you reach a weight that feels appropriate for the prescribed number of sets that day.

Warming Up Do it. Check out this. What To Do After This Program When you're finished with this 4-week block, take a fifth week nice and easy before starting a new program. An easy way to do this would be to repeat week 1. Choose one based on what it emphasizes and how that aligns with your weaknesses, and/or the duration you need.

Please post questions and comments below to help other readers. Week 1 Choose weights by feel. Weights should be challenging this week, but comfortably below max efforts.

Use the same weight for all prescribed sets of a given exercise. Monday – 5 x 2+1 – 3 x 3 – 3 x 5 Wednesday – 5 x 2 – 3 x 3 – 3 x 3 Thursday – 5 x 2 & – 5 x 2(1+1) – 3 x 3 Saturday – heavy single – heavy single – heavy single Week 2 Use the same weights as week 1 with this increased volume. If this feels too easy, you can increase the weight, but stay below absolute maximal effort.

Monday – 5 x 3+1 – 4 x 3 – 5 x 5 Wednesday – 5 x 3 – 4 x 3 – 5 x 3 Thursday – 5 x 3 & – 5 x 3(1+1) – 5 x 3 Saturday – 6 x 1 – 6 x 1 – 3 x 1 Week 3 Increase the weights from last week as you're able to. Monday – 5 x 1 – 3 x 3 – 5 x 3 Tuesday – 5 x 3 – 5 x 2 Wednesday – 5 x 1 – 3 x 3 – 5 x 2 Thursday – 5 x 3 & – 5 x 1+1 – 5 x 1 Saturday – heavy single – heavy single – heavy single Week 4 Increase the weights from last week as you're able to.

Push for max effort singles on Saturday. Monday – 5 x 1 – 3 x 2 – 5 x 2 Tuesday – 5 x 2 – 5 x 2 Wednesday – 5 x 1 – 3 x 2 – 3 x 2 Thursday – 5 x 2 & – 4 x 1+1 – 3 x 1 Saturday – heavy single – heavy single – heavy single Check out by Greg Everett for a huge amount of program design information and more sample programs. Greg Everett is the owner of Catalyst Athletics, head coach of the, author of the books and, director/writer/producer/editor/everything of the documentary, co-host of the, publisher of journal, fifth-place finisher at the USAW National Championships, masters national champion, masters American Open champion, masters American record holder in the clean & jerk, and Olympic Trials coach. Follow him on Facebook and and sign up for his free newsletter. 333 Comments Add Comment Robert 2012-05-21 Coach, thanks for posting this. Could you clarify what exactly should be done for the '+' prescriptions (2+1, 2(1+1), 1+1, etc.)?

Jared - Yes, 5 x 3 is 5 sets of 3 reps. Greg Everett Danny 2012-05-21 thanks for posting. Yes 5x3 means 5 sets of 3 reps. You may also see it written 225x3x5.

It means the exact same thing but it includes the load. That confuses a lot people Matt 2012-05-21 Thanks Greg!

Do you consider Pull ups to be 'beach work' or supplemental? For a super heavyweight, If I can knock out 5-7 strict pull ups, should that be a daily, 2x weekly, or never supplemental activity? Maybe its worth generalizing that once a lifter can do 'X' pull ups, its not that helpful to keep doing them, or do pull ups not correlate well to weightlifting.done w/ my ADD rambling semi question.

In the intro, I mean the conditioning portion of the site workouts, not this program. For this program, you need to cook up your own. Greg Everett Rikke 2012-05-21 Brilliant! I've tried some of your other workouts, but as I'm (obviously) new to o-lifting, I've had 'issues' with the loads, as I 1) don't really know my 1RMs, and 2) my technique (on full lifts) still lacks so much that the prescribed loading on fragment exercises doesn't really feel challenging enough. Will try to stick with this one and get my lifts better developed!

Confused: I imagine you should manage the conditioning stuff, yourself;) Trapp 2012-05-22 When you say use the same weight, do you mean for the day or for the week? Are they doing everything else you plan on doing in addition to CF? Is it the CF that made them strong, or the lifting weights that sometimes is done with CF that made them strong? Are 350/400# big lifts for strength athletes? Greg Everett Leon 2012-05-24 Greg, Thanks for this and all the great info you put out for free.

Jim Schmitz Olympic Style Weight Lifting Program For Beginners Women

Michael 2012-05-24 I love this program and am just about to go out for day 3. But I wonder if you could share some thoughts on someone doing the power snatch when the full snatch is still not a well-engrained movement pattern. I'm pretty new to the Oly lifts and I still feel like about 50% of the time even if I have the intent of doing a snatch, I end up catching it above parallel in a power position (it's not a flexibility issue, my OHS position is very comfortable at rock bottom). Would it be more helpful for someone like me to instead of training power snatches, just do more snatching in order to get the proper motor pattern down for catching it at the bottom? You will be doing enough snatching and cleaning in the program that you will be okay doing the power versions on the 3rd day. I believe the intent of that day is to have a slight back off during the week to recover a little for the Saturday workout. As for receiving the bar, you shouldn't be hitting rock bottom as you lock out the bar. You want to receive the bar at its highest point and use the rest of that squat to stabilize the bar over head.

You will have to try to meet the bar lower and lower as the weights go up. You will have to dial back the pull slightly on your warm ups so you won't be power snatching the beginning but meeting the bar high and squatting under it should be okay. Just continue to work on pulling yourself under into that squat. Steve Pan Michael 2012-05-24 Thanks Steve, that's helpful advice Greg Everett 2012-05-24 MIchael - What Steve said. If you're really struggling, instead of power snatches, you can do high or mid-hang snatches at the same weight you'd be doing power snatches with, focusing on pulling down under the bar. This will keep things light on those days as desired and let you work on one of your weaknesses.

Jim Schmitz Olympic Style Weightlifting Program Templates Printable

That said, even with power snatches, you should be focusing on pulling down hard and punching under the bar the same way you do in the snatch. Billy 2012-05-26 Your are probably right.I'm doing too much. I will dial the CF back to only five days a week. Mags 2012-05-28 5 metcons a week is still probably too much - just my two cents.

Greg - am I to understand that on week two we do 5 sets of 3 cleans + 1 jerk on Monday? The Heavy Single will be a 1RM for the day. It will be the heaviest you can go on that given day. Greg Everett brandon green 2012-06-27 Nice article but i must be missing some things. Where's the conditioning program that goes with this? Why abdominal work every day? Brandon Green Kathleen 2012-07-04 Hi, I've been using Starting Strength since Feb and was able to follow a pretty strict schedule with rest days.

My job has changed and now am not able to schedule days off between workouts. I'm looking for a something new and was hoping to try this program. Is this program still good if I have to schedule differently? (ie 2 on, 2 off, 3 on).

You need to figure out what the problem with your shoulders is before you can figure out how to fix it. Greg Everett Guy 2012-07-07 Ok than cause I used to shoulder press and work on shoulders no problem but ohs/snatchs hurt sometimes thanks you and guy is my name just saying Oskar 2012-07-07 Hi yea like guy said I drop the weight at bottom though its light is it my flexability and wat could do I do Amanda 2012-07-18 When there is more than 1 rep per set are you supposed to control it on the way down then reset and do another rep or can you drop it from the top (guiding it down, nothing crazy)? When you are doing snatches, cleans and/or jerks dropping it from the top and guiding it down is ok.

With pulls and deadlifts you should control it on the way down. Alyssa Sulay Mel 2012-07-24 Greg, about to ramp on with the above program prior to following your main site program, from my oly garage set up in a small town by the beach in Australia. Quick Q - would it be too much to program in a sand dune hill sprint sessions once or twice a week in addition to some chins etc. I'm able to split sessions every training day when required.

Jim Schmitz Weightlifting Program

As per previous comments thank you for making your programming available online. Add that stuff as needed. It may not be. Definitely ab/lower back work each training day. If you feel like you need to add some size to your upper body, add some lifts in that vein, 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps, 1-3 exercises. If you need lower body size, you can add some SLDL, good mornings, weighted lunges and/or add extra higher volume squat sets (e.g.

2-4 sets of 8-10 reps) after your normal squats. Greg Everett Tyler 2012-07-26 Deadlifts - Do you believe they are necessary with this program? - How can you incorporate them into the program? Virtual piano software free download.

Jonathon 2012-08-03 Greg, I've just started weightlifting at 37 years old. I've had some coaching and plan to go back when finances and time permits.

In the meantime, I have my garage set-up. Would you recommend for someone at my age- where learning curve is longer, recovery not as quick, to focus on just learning the snatch? Or is there a cross over benefit of working on the snatch and clean/jerk at the same time? If I should focus just on the snatch, how would you modify the starter program? You should be able to manage this as-is.

No need to only work on one lift at a time. Greg Everett James 2012-08-04 Greg - Thanks for the 'intro' program. I've recently decided to transition to the olympic lifts from the 'power' lifts. At this point strength in the lifts is not a concern of mine, only technique. I'm having difficulty with the receiving position of the clean (finding the groove without shattering a clavicle). Any suggestions? Also, any suggestions regarding improving the 2nd/3rd pulls in the lifts (I conventional DL 465lbs at 148lbs, but snatch with 185 puts me to shame!).

Thank you Joe 2012-08-05 Hey Greg and thanks for this intro. I have been doing crossfit for quite some time but for the upcoming months I want to get a lot stronger so thinking about changing the workouts. Im thinking about following this program and then move over to the daily workouts. However I wonder if it is too much to also incorporate stronglift 5x5 program (one of the excercises per day)? Would that be beneficial or is it best to just stick to the workouts posted here for best strength gains?

Travis 2012-08-09 Thanks for all of this great information Greg. I was wondering, do you think it is beneficial/necessary for a novice weightlifter who has never done Olympic lifts before, to focus on building strength with basic compound lifts (ie.

Squats, Presses, Deadlifts) prior to attempting this starter program? It means each set is 1 power clean + 1 power jerk + 1 power clean + 1 power jerk.

Greg Everett Johnny 2012-08-21 Thanks for this. I have followed some of your programs and have worked up to a body weight snatch at 185 and a clean and jerk to 255.

Would you say that I am still a beginner and can I use this template but go by percentages or stay with it as is. I want to start over and focus strictly on form but not go to fancy adding lifts. I currently only snatch,fs,squat,snatch from the hip, clean and jerk, jerk for the hip. Thanks for any input. Also I tend to dive on all my lifts and it drives me crazy. My power snatch is pushing 225 and I don't think it should be like that.

Yes I'd still consider you a beginner. You can use this template as-is, no%s needed. You're better off going by feel at this stage anyway. Just be careful with pulls not to go too heavy - correct posture, balance and speed. Greg Everett Johnny 2012-08-25 Thanks Greg for the response James S. 2012-08-27 Just wanted to say thanks for posting this great starter program.

After leaving CrossFit programming to start your Oly cycles I'm amazed at the gains that can be made when you slow things down. I'm itching to finish this last week up and get going with the Strength by Feel cycle. Miguel 2012-08-28 From Spain, thanks for the article. Shawn 2012-09-06 Coach, thanks for the programming! I've CFing since December with some exposure to oly lifts, can I jump right into the main programming or sould I run a month of intro to tighen up technique? If i'm having difficulty with a movement should I post video in comments or the forum portion of the site? It would be good to run through this starter program before you jump into the main programing.

Posting in the forum would also be the best way to get some feedback on your lifts. Steve Pan Tim 2012-09-08 Hey, just completed Week 1 of this program, and have to tell you I'm loving it so far. I've been a CrossFit athlete and coach for 3 years or so now and have been constantly frustrated by my plateau in Oly lifting. Already noticed a huge difference just by shifting focus onto Oly lifting and fitting CF metcons around my lifting.

Jim Schmitz Olympic Style Weight Lifting Program For Beginners Program

PR's on both lifts already at the end of week 1 (76kg snatch 94kg c&j.) had plenty more in the tank but trying to be patient and stick to a plan. Looking forward to posting some BIG pr's soon:) 1 question. Can i post videos for some online coaching? You should be able to start another cycle if you feel good. If you are feeling a little beat up you can take a transition week and then get started on the next cycle.

Steve Pan Zach 2012-10-25 Coach, thanks for posting this! I'm looking forward to following your program. I'm an exercise science major, hoping to work in the strength and conditioning field at the collegiate level. The Olympic lifts are certainly something I need to get dialed in, and this program looks great. Just a few questions. I need to continue to work on my upper body due to my sport (Javelin), both anterior and posterior.

What days would you recommend inserting bench, rows, pullovers? Or is that something I should play by feel? Would you recommend any supplemental hamstring work like RDL variations or physio ball hamcurls? And last, what typically makes up your core routine? I usually will do a medball/KB core, but I'm always interested in hear what other people are doing. Thanks a lot!

Tuesdays/Thursdays for that stuff usually, but itf it's really heavy, it may be better on Mon/Wed/Sat. Same w hamstring work. Core work for us is usually some heavy back work like SLDL, RDL or good mornings, lighter back work like back extensions / hypers, and a variety of ab work from light high-volume stuff like sit-ups, crunches, reverse crunches, jacknives, V-ups etc, plank varieties, and heavy stuff like weighted sit-ups. I typically have people do something different every day. Greg Everett Michelle 2012-11-01 This says its a good program for people who have not done much lifting before. What's a good 'next program up' from this?

The daily programming? Once you hit your RM that will be your last set for that exercise. Greg Everett Zach 2012-11-02 ^EDIT: Answered my first question, by reading your Program Help & Info page.

Last question still remains though, how many sets once we reach that RM for the day should we do? Jason 2012-11-21 I just lifted in my first competition last week (100 + 110 for a 210 total). It was a blast, but it's time to add some structure to my training so I am starting this.

With conditioning I have a few options at home. Between a skipping rope, kettle bell (60lb) and a c2 rower, I have a number of ways to get my heart rate up, but I'm wondering if the rower is going to be too leg intensive to go along with this program. I don't usually go too long (2000m at the most) or I do 500m intervals. Shawn Furbish 2012-11-25 I just finished week one of the starter program, well kind of.

I still cant go heavy over head due to a shoulder impingment issue which I'm nursing back to healthy. So on heavy single day I did heavy front squat, heavy dead and some scap work. Any thoughts on modifications that would be beneficail to the program. I was thinking maybe Pendaly rows and good mornings but wasn't really sure on rep scheme. Shawn Furbish 2012-11-25 I think it will look like heavy single clean, no jerk, snatch grip heavy dead and heavy front squat. Just needed to think logicly for a moment.Thanks Grant O'Brien 2013-01-06 Two questions 1) when performing an exercise is the%weight used of the main movement, eg - power clean & power jerk 80%, is the 80% of maximum clean and jerk?

- overhead squat 70%, is this 70% of maximum snatch - or do we need to know our 1RM for each exercise? 2) after a cycle is there a recommended time off and assessment of strength gains or staright into the next cycle? The percentages are always off of your best in that movement. So 65% power clean is off of your best power clean. Pulls will be off of your best snatch or clean.% OHS will be off of your best OHS. You can transition into a new cycle after you finish a cycle. If you are feeling especially beat up, you can take an extra light week in between cycles. Steve Pan Clancy 2013-01-25 I apologize if this queation was answered previously, but I was wondering if after week 4, does one take a deload week and then start up with week 1 again?

Also, I appreciate y'all putting this program up, it has been super helpful! If you are feeling pretty beat up after you can take a transition week, if you are feeling okay you can go right into the next cycle of your choice. Steve Pan Michael 2013-01-25 I heard power versions shouldn't be done unless you've learned how to properly pull under first, else you pick up the bad habit of overpulling.

So, considering this, if a beginner wants to do this program, should he do it as is with the power movements in them or should it be modified? Any opinions on this? Michael 2013-01-27 nvm, found the answer above Joanna 2013-01-30 What is the difference between the Clean Pull and the Snatch Pull? I've reviewed the videos in the exercise section and am having trouble understanding what the difference is and what the focus of each should be. The snatch pull will be a pull with the hands in a snatch width grip. The clean pull will be a pull with a clean width grip.

The focus for each will be reinforcing good pull positions in each and strengthing the back and legs for the pull. Greg Everett Joanna 2013-01-31 Steve Pan Thanks, that really helped clarify not only the pulls, but also the grip width for the snatch and the clean. Awesome website and the videos are great for viewing the exercises. I'm overseas without access to a coach/trainer, but with access to a gym and the information, workouts, and exercises really help.

Richard 2013-02-01 Steve, Going off of Joanna's query, should the pulls be done with loads greater than our 1RMs of the full lifts or sub maximal? It will depend on the athlete. Some people will be able to handle higher loads for the pulls if their 1rm lifts are technique or mobility limited. Keykey typing tutor 1 0 4. You will have to feel it out, but don't push it so hard that it puts you in a hole for the rest of the week. Steve Pan Natalie 2013-02-24 I like this program.

I don't see any rest days, but maybe we are to take a day off if/when our body needs it? I normally lift 4 days per week with short conditioning afterward then one longer conditioning-only day and rest 2 days per week (Wed and Sun). How often do you recommend taking rest days with your program? Natalie 2013-02-24 Nevermind, I see now you left Fridays off the list, so I assume that is the only rest day. So only one day off? Is this also how your more advanced athletes schedule days off as well? I have found in the past that I tend to fatigue and not perform at my best without making myself take my 2 rest days.

You will have to feel out weights as you go through this program. Don't choose weights where you will fail, but make the sets challenging and focus on improving your technique in the olympic lifts. Steve Pan Sean V 2013-02-28 Steve Thanks. I definitely need to work on my technique. Alex 2013-03-06 Couple of Q&A: 1.) Do I warm up to the weight that I am going to use for all the sets or do I just pick a weight go with it?

Example 5 x 2 really pertains to the working weight right? 2.) Whenever you prescribed more than 1 rep are these 'touch n go' or 'drop and reload'? Example Snatch 5 x 2.

Is a weight that I can do twice touch and go? 3.) Snatch and Cleans we only squat them both when the weight is heavy forcing us down? Otherwise we catch in a power o0r whatever it takes to do it. Unless specifies squat these are by feel right? Not every Clean or Snatch has to have squat right? Example Today I did Snatch the weight I chose was heavy for a squat snatch but I was able to power snatch was this wrong? You should always warm up to the working sets on your exercises and as you transition to the next exercises in workouts.

The 5x2 are the working sets. You should reset on each rep to make every rep good off of the ground. We don't want to bounce the weights and get a poor starting position as a result.

You will reset your starting position and take the rep from a dead stop each time. You should squat on every rep, even if you receive the bar high you will take the squat to work on the tempo and the sequence of the lifts. Steve Pan Mathias 2013-03-18 Hi i found this page from sweden when looking to learn the olympic lifts. Im gonna start this beginner routine but i have two question. 1) apart from doing an ab exercise every workout day, What kind of supplement workout do you recommend for each workout day?

2) What does upper body beach work mean? You will have to temper expectations but instead of expanding the program possibly taking out the Thursday workout and adding the OHS work to another day might work. Steve Pan Scott 2013-04-20 I am interested in starting this program, I just have a couple questions.

I have recently just finished the Russian Squat Program, and have started the Masters Program with an added day in the middle of front squats, and I just I am considering just switching to your program. My best lifts are a 200 lbs clean and a 105 snatch.

I have been trying to correct form and not go up to heavy especially on the snatch. My squat is around 335 for a double and 285 for a single for front squats. I have recently moved to a gym in town that just got a good set of Olympic weights, so I plan on doing the lifts more frequently.

I plan on starting your program with a 95 snatch and a 125 clean and jerk, and then slowly progressing throughout the program, and really focusing on technique, while adding weight when it is programed. How does that sound? I appreciate the help. This should be a good place to start, and then transition to one of the cycles from the Workouts Tab above. Steve Pan Scott 2013-04-24 Thanks Steve. I also just joined to forums and uploaded a training video too.

Check it out man, my name is Scott Keefer. I will be going through the workout tab to pick one that looks good for my background. Thanks Matt 2013-05-06 Thanks for a great site! I have about 12 months of exposure to olympic lifting through CrossFit, but have found the high rep, low weight oly programming is geared more towards endurance/metcon conditioning than actual strength gains.which is frustrating and why I added a gym in my garage. Now my question.

I still want to do CF 2-3 times per week but want to know if I can go more with this beginning cycle. My current plan is to do CF on the rest days, which is a huge change for me ( normally do 6X week). Is there something inherently wrong with doing a CF workout AND the beginning oly cycle on the same day? Would I be over stressing/taxing my body, endocrine system by doubling up? I get 5 different answers from 5 different people when I pose this question. Thanks for any suggestions. To answer your question I will quote Greg from the Program Info section.

'Many individuals ask if they can perform both our training and other training simultaneously. While we can't predict everyone's response to training, we can say with certainly that very few individuals will be able to handle such a workload for any considerable period of time without burning out completely. These workouts are designed to be a standalone program and as such are extremely demanding—attempting to do both is a recipe for overtraining and poor results. Just as importantly, combining multiple programs is a good indicator that you're trying to achieve conflicting goals at the same time—this never works well. If you can't stand to commit to it entirely for at least one complete cycle, don't do it at all' Steve Pan Storm 2013-05-07 Hello I'm new here and I've been wondering what 'beach work' means?

Is it exercises like bench press? You will have to feel out the warm ups on a heavy single depending on the day. You want to warm up and take bigger jumps earlier and smaller jumps as you approach your current 1RM. Heavy single will be different than a max as you will work up to the heaviest you can do for that day. There is more. Steve Pan Tom 2013-05-12 Demoralising total fail. With overhead squats a)my arms bend when I'm at the lowest point and 2) my chest folds forward when I cannot keep posture when the bar goes down.


Should I stop snatches altogether until I perfect this exercise? Keep working on your OHS. You can keep snatching, however I would suggest making sure you turn them over high with good posture and shoulder/arm position and ride them into the squat from there.

Keep working on shoulder and hip mobility. Steve Pan AJ 2013-05-14 Hey Steve/Greg Am now coming to end of Week4, really cool routine.

Made progress and want to keep it going. Can I go back to week 1 of the routine (whilst starting week5) or would that be regressing? I'll use heavier weight than week 4. Or would you recommend I pick a different cycle. For your info if it helps I'm 30,5'9,lean 172lbs, still learning Oly lifts and training for strength/overall fitness.

You can run this cycle again with heavier weights if you are comfortable with it. The other option is to evaluate your needs and pick a cycle from the training cycles page found here: The 4-week leg strength block 1 is a popular one that people have had success with. Steve Pan AJ 2013-05-17 Thanks again Steve, I can't get my head around the pulls (snatch or clean). The form feels weird for one, but secondly as it is like an abridged version of the full lift should we be using far more weight? 95kg clean pull when I 1RM clean 80kg? I know it's light, I've just started. That is correct.

Pulls are an abreviated version of the full lift to strengthen your posture and reinforce good positioning in the pulling portion of the lift. Steve Pan Dave K 2013-05-18 Steve, Quick question about starter program for a triathlete/ runner. Should I go as is or limit days? Quick background.

90-2009- primarily endurance (s/b/r) and body weight strength. Late 09 - began P90x and 2010 - CrossFit. Continued CrossFit at some good boxes and on my own.

Came to realization that CF Chipper and Metcon WODs are counterproductive to s/b/r training and performance (I leverage some solid swim coaching, running based on a 3x week - FIRST's Run Less/Run Faster) and bike from local bike elites. I'm a strong believer in fundational strength and want to continue it! I blend in body strength/calisthenics during runs/swims/bikes.

The challenge is finding a place to do it (CF boxes have the equipment but tend to fixate on the WODs w/out understanding cross purposes of 'conditioning') - do have Y close by (no plate slamming, but really not trying for freaky max strength. Current 3 rep max 135 push press 185 back squat (was 45 when I began, years of running ) 255 deadlift 155 clean / power clean 110 snatch (have never felt comfortable with the 'hop' snatch via Rippetoe) so building this slowly thank you for your work!!! This program is designed to get you ramped up to going into the daily weightlifting cycles. The primary goal is to improve snatch and clean & jerk. It may apply to general stength, but you will have to temper your expectations of this program if you are also doing triathalon work in addition to the workouts.

Tet exam hall ticket 2019. I would suggest considering your goals, and adjusting accordingly. Steve Pan Curt F 2013-06-11 Steve, You have been a great source of help with other questions I have had.

If you don't mine me asking another, I appreciate it. My schedule allows for training on M/T/Th/F/S. In looking at this program, and moving the Wed to my Tue with Wed I looking at burn out or major conflict? That should be okay to switch to. Make sure you get good rest on the Monday night so you are good for the snatches and front squats on the Tuesday workout. Steve Pan Curt Fischer 2013-06-11 Actually, I thought about this during the day. I will make your Wed my monday.

The work and rest days will be the same. Thanks again for the help. Louis G 2013-06-17 What is the difference between snatch and power snatch?? In the monday and wednesgay workout, I start the exercices to the ground or to the hip?? Sorry for my english, I come from Quebec.:). For you, I would probably do a taper week something like this: Monday - Snatch and CJ up to 90% of your planned opener x 1 single each Cln pull - 90% x 2 x 2 Back squat - 85% x 2 Tuesday Snatch and CJ to 85% of opener x 1-2 singles Wednesday Snatch and CJ to 80% of opener x 1-4 singles Snatch pull - 90% x 2 x 2 Front Squat - 85% x 1 (or about what you want to open with in CJ) Thursday Snatch and CJ about 70% of opener for a few singles.

You can also do power sn/cj on this day if you think you need some more rest. Friday Rest or very light sn/cj Saturday Meet If you think you need more rest, make Tuesday lighter and maybe just light powers. Greg Everett Andrew 2013-07-12 Would you be at a loss if you dropped the heavy day (saturday), and proceeded with the others on a mon/wed/fri scheme? Sorry if answered already.

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